Monday, July 13, 2009

what's on me ??!

that's a question i asked myself, because i feel so lazy to update post hihi :p
since my last post, i told you that im sick, but now i get well yay hahaha

first day at school after summer (do we have to call it summer??!!) holiday, and it was awesome i think, meet friends again, meet new member of my school (i mean my junior, because i pass to my second year of course :D). hmmm after long time no see nothing different laaaah, except my friend cut his hair and everybody cant stop laugh at him HAHAHA include me ofcourse hahahahahaha.

and i just want to say this, so see ya 'till the next post (do know when). i will continue read magazine and wait until BOYS BEFORE FLOWER start to play in TV, so midnight huhuhuhu but it's okay :D

love you all